
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." - Henry David Thoreau

In 1996 Congress passed legislation that seriously restricted research about gun violence, so to some degree we’re shooting in the dark on this issue. Mental health may be the smoking gun.

No one denies we have a problem, but we’re looking for an emotional solution. We’re looking for someone to blame (hacking at the branches) rather than identifying and addressing the real problem (striking at the root).

This issue is another example of a problem that’s worth more to politicians and political parties than the solution. Politicians continue to beat on their chests, inflame voters, raise money, act self-righteous, and deny responsibility, rather than get to the bottom of the issue and change the system to address the real problem.

If research tells us mental health is the problem, then that’s where our attention and our money should go. Let’s strike at the roots. That’s what I’ll work for as your congressman.

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