Cook For Congress

U.S. House of Representatives from Utah’s 4th district

Politics today are extremely divided. Each side sees the other as an enemy, which isn’t helpful to anyone. But we’re all Utahns and Americans, and we all want to improve our country. Our shared goal is to make things better for everyone. If you think we need more respect, unity, and correctness in politics, then the United Utah Party is the right choice for you.

Help Vaughn Improve the Quality of Your Life

All boats rise on the same tide. What does that mean to the 4th Congressional District? It means for better for worse, the quality of our individual lives is intertwined. The better life truly is for you, the better it is for me, and vice versa.

Sometimes we get stuck in scarcity thinking, believing there’s a limited amount of quality life to go around and in order for my life to thrive, I have to take quality of life from you, or someone else. Scarcity thinking leads to a victim mentality. “My life sucks because someone is doing something bad to me and there’s nothing I can do about it.” We spend our energy looking for someone to blame rather than finding and implementing solutions.

I believe in abundance. We can all enjoy a good quality of life, in fact, my quality of life can’t be separated from yours. That doesn’t mean we should all expect to have, or be, or do what our neighbors have, or be, or do. You may not want that. Our life experiences are different and different isn’t a bad thing. But to the extent we can each have, and be, and do what we want, we will maximize the quality of our lives.

The political questions I’m hoping you’ll help me answers are: “What can government do to improve the quality of our lives?” and “ To what extent do we want the government’s help improving the quality of our lives?” The answers we craft by combining our collective wisdom are the answers I will advocate in Washington as your Congressman.

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Putting Utah First in Every Decision

Putting Utah first in every decision means prioritizing the well-being, interests, and values of the state and its residents above all else. This approach requires thoughtful consideration of the long-term impacts of actions and policies on the people and environment of Utah, with a commitment to ensuring their prosperity and sustainability. It involves listening to the needs and concerns of Utahns, fostering collaboration and innovation, and making choices that will benefit the state as a whole. Ultimately, putting Utah first means dedicating oneself to serving and protecting the best interests of the state and its citizens in all decision-making processes.

Paid for by Vaughn R Cook 4 Congress

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